Teaching Strengths and Weaknesses

Teaching is a wonderful career that helps you prepare the next generation for higher education and work, but it can also be a good opportunity to teach senior learners too. No matter what students you’re looking to teach, it’s important to understand your teaching strengths and weaknesses.

Teaching Strengths

  • Being assertive helps ensure that you are the boss in the room. If you’re going to be teaching others, then you need to show that you have a voice that demands to be listened to.

  • Technology skills mean that you have an easier time managing students, creating worksheets and plans for future lessons, and also providing online learning resources.

  • Well-spoken means that you’re clear when you communicate. This is essential if you want to get your message across.

  • Maintaining order is important when working with a large group of students, such as in a high school where things can get chaotic from time to time.

  • Creativity helps you keep your lessons fresh and interesting. This can be extremely important for early education as children tend to get bored very easily.


Teaching Weaknesses

  • Too much attention to detail means that you might spend a long time on relatively simple tasks. In a teaching environment, then can be a detriment.

  • Planning too much or too far is a common weakness that costs you a lot of time and ultimately provides small returns.


  • Anxiety when speaking in public can be a massive weakness for teachers, especially if they’re expected to speak to a large audience on a daily basis.

Poll results shown below for the top 3 strengths and weaknesses of teachers.  Participate in voting for your top 3 so we can build a comprehensive list of the teaching community.

This poll of teaching strengths and weaknesses will only be open for a short time.  To answer this poll please select the top 3 strengths and weaknesses you feel teachers have in your field.  These can be from personal experiences or what you have witnesses in your profession.

If you want to add your own answer please do so in the “Other” section.  The default answers are just that “default” so I encourage you to add your own.  I will try to add them to the possible answer list as soon as I can.  My background is not teaching so I look forward to helping students in the education profession with your list of top 3 strengths and weaknesses.

What are Teachers Top 3 Strengths?

What are Teachers Top 3 Weaknesses?

Entries with (CS) are Community Submitted answers.


What is your favorite teaching Stereotype?  Comment below with your favorite.