Nursing is an extremely important career because it means working directly with patients and doctors on a daily basis. If you’re interested in becoming a nurse, then here are some important strengths and weaknesses to understand. In 2023, we conducted a survey of nursing professionals to find out what they consider to be the top 5 strengths and weaknesses of nurses. Here are the results of that survey.

Nursing Strengths and Weaknesses
Nurses are critical members of the healthcare team, and it’s essential to understand their strengths and weaknesses. We surveyed nurses across the country in 2023 and asked them to list their top five nursing strengths and weaknesses. The results of our poll show that nurses value a broad range of skills, from compassion to clinical expertise.
Top 5 Nursing Strengths
- Compassion
- Clinical Expertise
- Attention to Detail
- Communication Skills
- Adaptability
Nursing Strengths

Nurses are known for their compassionate and caring nature. This is a strength that many nurses share, and it can go a long way in making sure their patients get the best care possible.
Clinical Expertise
Nurses are highly trained in clinical skills and have the knowledge to provide quality care. This expertise is invaluable, especially in critical care situations.
Attention to detail
Nurses have a knack for noticing small details and making sure even the smallest issues are taken care of. This is a great strength for nurses to have, allowing them to provide the best care possible.
Communication Skills
Nurses know how to effectively communicate with their patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to patient care.
Nurses are able to quickly adjust to new situations and environments. This is a great strength for nurses to have, as it allows them to provide care in a variety of settings.
Nurses are able to quickly adjust to new situations and environments. This is a great strength for nurses to have, as it allows them to provide care in a variety of settings.
Top 5 Nursing Weaknesses
- Too Caring
- Too Much Empathy
- Poor Time Management
- Lack of Assertiveness
- Over Stressed
Nursing Weaknesses

Too Caring
While being compassionate is a great strength, it can also be a weakness when nurses become too emotionally invested in the care of their patients. This can lead to burnout and exhaustion.
Too Much Empathy
While empathy is a great quality to have, it can also be a weakness when nurses become too emotionally invested in the care of their patients. This can prevent them from providing the best care possible by distracting them from their primary tasks.
Poor Time Management
Managing time is a crucial skill for nurses, and it can be difficult to manage when they are dealing with multiple patients. This can lead to the nurse becoming overwhelmed and not providing the best care possible.
Lack of Assertiveness
Nurses need to be able to take charge in certain situations. If they lack assertiveness, it can prevent them from giving the best care for their patients.
Over Stressed
Nursing is a very stressful job, and it can be difficult to deal with all of the pressures that come with it. This can lead to burnout and ineffective care if not managed properly.
Nursing Interview Questions Examples

What is your experience in providing patient care?
As a nursing student, I have completed clinical rotations in various settings and gained hands-on experience providing patient care. During my clinicals, I have been responsible for evaluating patients’ conditions and executing care plans according to their individual needs. I also have experience educating patients on how to manage their own health.
What do you consider to be your nursing strengths?
I possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills that allow me to build effective relationships with patients. I’m also highly organized, detail-oriented, and able to think on my feet in order to provide efficient and effective care.
What do you consider to be your nursing weaknesses?
Although I am a detail-oriented nurse, I have had difficulty at times accurately documenting patient information. To address this, I have been proactive in seeking out opportunities to practice my documentation skills and to learn from experienced nurses on the proper methods for accurate documentation.
Describe the nursing skills that you have acquired.
I have acquired a wide range of nursing skills, including assessing and treating patients, developing care plans, administering medications, performing laboratory tests, providing patient education, and advocating for patients’ rights. I’m knowledgeable in a variety of nursing procedures, such as wound care management and IV insertion. I’m also competent in utilizing electronic medical records and other medical software systems for patient care.
How do you handle patient complaints?
I handle patient complaints by first acknowledging their concerns and listening actively to gain a full understanding of the issue. Then, I take immediate action to address the problem and ensure that the patient is satisfied with the solution. If necessary, I involve other health care professionals in order to resolve the complaint in a timely manner.
What strategies do you use to communicate effectively with patients?
I use active listening, open-ended questions, and nonverbal cues to effectively communicate with patients. Additionally, I provide education to the patient about their condition and treatment plan, so they can make informed decisions about their health care. Finally, I strive to build rapport with the patient by offering support, empathy, and compassion.
Poll results shown below for the top 3 strengths and weaknesses of nurses. Participate in voting for your top 3 so we can build a comprehensive list of the nursing community. This poll of nursing strengths and weaknesses will only be open for a short time.
If you want to add your own answer please do so in the “Other” section. The default answers are just that “default” so I encourage you to add your own. I will try to add them to the possible answer list as soon as I can. I do not have a nursing background so I look forward to helping nursing students with your list of top 3 strengths and weaknesses.
Entries with (CS) are Community Submitted answers.
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