Wondering what are the most common ESTP Strengths and Weaknesses? Here are the top 5 ESTP strengths and ESTP weaknesses for the Entrepreneur personality type.

Man with rocket showcasing his ESTP Strengths and Weaknesses

The ESTP personality type is one of the sixteen Myers-Briggs® personality types. ESTP individuals are often called “Dynamo.”

Their natural charm and love of adventure draw people to them. They are highly practical, energetic, outgoing, and no-nonsense individuals who prefer action over conversation.

In this blog post, we will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the ESTP personality in more detail.

What is an ESTP personality type?

ESTP stands for Extroverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving. ESTPs are outgoing, adventurous and enthusiastic individuals who thrive in exciting situations. They like to be on the go, always looking for new experiences and ways to challenge themselves. They are highly observant and enjoy using their physical and mental energy to solve problems or solve conflicts. They tend to be independent thinkers and doers who prefer to take the initiative rather than wait for others to take control.

ESTPs are often seen as risk-takers, but they usually make well-thought-out decisions and have a knack for understanding how people think and feel. They are great at multitasking, taking on multiple tasks simultaneously while still maintaining their focus.

ESTP interviews

ESTP interview questions often focus on their ability to think on their feet and make quick decisions. They are also asked about how they handle unexpected obstacles or changes in plans. Questions may include how well they can navigate unfamiliar situations and how willing they are to take risks. Additionally, questions about their problem-solving skills, communication abilities, and team working capabilities are likely to be asked.

ESTPs are often excellent team players, so it’s important for interviewers to understand how well they work with others.

ESTP strengths in interviews

Woman Showcasing her ESTP Strengths

The top ESTP strength to highlight in an interview is their ability to think on their feet. ESTPs are naturally creative and resourceful problem solvers, so they can often come up with unexpected solutions to difficult problems. They also have a strong sense of self-confidence, which can make them seem more confident and capable than they may actually be.

ESTP weaknesses in interviews

Which weaknesses should an ESTP personality highlight in an interview as a strength?

ESTPs should focus on their ability to collaborate and work well with others. Despite their independent nature, they are great team players and can often bring different ideas and perspectives to the table. Additionally, they should emphasize their willingness to take risks, as this can demonstrate their ability to think outside of the box. Additionally, they should mention their problem-solving skills, communication abilities, and willingness to take initiative.

List of ESTP strengths

  1. Original

  2. Bold Personality

  3. Personable and Social

  4. Direct

  5. Perceptive

Top 5 ESTP Strengths

Man multitasking with his ESTP Personality


ESTPs strengths are in their ability to think on their feet and use originality when they need to. They thrive in situations that require quick-thinking and strategic problem-solving. They have a natural inclination to come up with new and creative solutions to problems, which helps them stand out in the workplace. ESTPs are also excellent communicators and are able to articulate their ideas in an effective manner.

Bold Personality

ESTP personality strengths also include their bold personalities. They have an open and adventurous spirit that can be contagious to those around them. They are not afraid to take risks and speak their minds, which can lead to great success in both the business world and personal life. ESTPs are also known for having a strong sense of confidence and passion, which can inspire others to take action.

Personable and Social

Another ESTP strength is their personable and social nature. They are comfortable in all types of social situations, making them the life of any party. ESTPs will often take the lead in group activities and will be great at initiating conversations. Their outgoing personalities draw others to them, making it easy for ESTPs to build strong relationships with people.


ESTPs are also direct and assertive individuals. They tend to take charge of situations, which can be beneficial in certain workplace environments. Additionally, ESTPs are not afraid to express their opinions and will always be honest with others. This directness can help them get what they want and also be an asset in a negotiation. ESTPs have the ability to read people easily and will always strive for fairness in all situations.


The last ESTP personality strength is their perceptive nature. They are able to easily pick up on the emotions and needs of those around them, which can be very useful in many different scenarios. ESTPs can also be great at seeing potential opportunities and taking advantage of them quickly. Additionally, their keen observations can help them make wise decisions quickly.

List of ESTP weaknesses

  1. Insensitive

  2. Impatient

  3. Unstructured

  4. Scared of Commitment

  5. Judgmental

What are the best ESTP weaknesses?

Family discussing business ESTP Weaknesses


ESTP weaknesses include being overly insensitive to the feelings and needs of others, which can lead to misunderstanding or hurtful comments. They may also have difficulty recognizing subtle emotional cues, which can cause them to be seen as uncaring or unempathetic.


ESTP personality weaknesses also include being overly impatient and impulsive. This can lead to making rash decisions or acting on impulse rather than taking the time to carefully consider all of their options. They may also be quick to judge or criticize others without understanding their perspectives.


Another ESTP weakness is their tendency to resist structure or routine. They may struggle with completing tasks that require a methodical approach, and prefer to focus on action-oriented activities instead. This can make it difficult to stay organized, which can lead to missed deadlines or incomplete projects.

Scared of Commitment

ESTP personalities may also be scared of commitment because they prefer to keep their options open. This means that they may have difficulty committing to a relationship, job, or other obligations that require a long-term commitment. They may also struggle with forming deep emotional connections, as they prefer to keep their relationships on more of a surface level.


The last ESTP personality weakness is their tendency to be overly judgmental. They may have difficulty understanding or empathizing with different viewpoints and can come across as arrogant or opinionated when engaging in conversations or debates. They may also be overly critical of others and their ideas, which can be off-putting for some people.

What makes an ESTP personality type unique?

An ESTP personality type is unique because they are outgoing, pragmatic, and action-oriented thinkers. They have a strong sense of what needs to be done and make decisions quickly. ESTP’s are also great problem solvers and have the ability to think outside of the box. They enjoy taking risks, thrive in dynamic environments and are highly driven by results. They are excellent communicators and often use humor to get their point across.

How can an ESTP personality type overcome their weaknesses?

ESTPs strengths and weaknesses can be balanced if they focus on their weaknesses as much as their strengths. They should take the time to think through decisions before acting and learn to control their impulsivity. They should also be aware of their tendency to dominate conversations and try to listen more than they talk. Taking the time to understand other’s perspectives and feelings can also help ESTPs interact with others more effectively.

ESTP Careers

2 women in ESTP Careers

ESTPs are highly suited to careers that involve problem solving, creativity, and a fast-paced environment. They can be successful in fields such as sales, marketing, management, and business consulting. They often make great entrepreneurs or venture capitalists as they can see potential opportunity in any situation and act quickly to capitalize on it. They also make great programmers, engineers, or software developers as they enjoy finding creative solutions to complex problems.

Example careers include:

  1. Salesperson

  2. Entrepreneur

  3. Financial advisor

  4. Lawyer/attorney

  5. Project Manager

  6. Engineer

  7. Marketing professional

  8. Police Officer/Detective

  9. Public Relations Specialist

  10. Real Estate Agent

ESTP Strengths and Weaknesses Conclusion

ESTP strengths and weaknesses go hand in hand, and while they may have strong points that lead to success, they can also be areas of challenge. By recognizing their weaknesses and working to develop them, ESTPs can make the most of their unique traits and use them for personal and professional success. With a good understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, ESTPs can be successful in any career they choose. They have the potential to become great problem solvers, communicators, and leaders. By embracing their unique characteristics, ESTPs can make the most of their strengths and create a successful future for themselves.

What is the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality test?

The 16 Myers-Briggs® personality type test is a self-assessment tool that helps individuals to understand their psychological preferences and how they interact with the world. It was developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers based on the theories of psychologist Carl Jung.

The test looks at four key areas – extroversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling and judging/perceiving – to determine an individual’s personality type. Individuals who take the test are given a four letter result that indicates their preferences in these areas.